Geometry primitves

In order to use the VisioPS module, you'll have to eventually use Geometric primitives - points and rectangles - with the cmdlets.


A point has primitive type VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point. They have an X,Y coordinate.

Create a single Point

You can create a point primitive with the New-VisioPoint cmdlet.

New-VisioPoint 1 2

You can directly create the type with New-Object.

New-Object VisioAutomation.Geometry.Point(1,2)

Create an array of points

$points = @(
    New-VisioPoint 1 2
    New-VisioPoint 3 4
    New-VisioPoint 4 6


The Rectangle primitive has type VisioAutomation.Geometry.Rectangle. It has is defined by four numbers (Left, Bottom, Right, Top).


  • Left must always be less than or equal to Right

  • Bottom must always be less than or equal to Top

Create a single rectangle

To create a rectangle

New-VisioRectangle 1 2 3 4

Or you can use New-Object

New-Object VisioAutomation.Geometry.Rectangle(1,2,3,4)

Create an array of Rectangles

$rects = @(
    New-VisioRectangle 1 2 3 4
    New-VisioRectangle 3 4 5 6

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