Quick start

Use Install-Module to install the latest VisioPowerShell module from the PowerShell Gallery. By setting the Scope to CurrentUser, it avoids needing administrator rights.

Install-Module Visio -Scope CurrentUser    

Run the following code to launch visio and draw a shape in a new document.

Import-Module Visio


$basic_u = Open-VisioDocument "basic_u.vss"
$master = Get-VisioMaster "Rectangle" -Document $basic_u
$points =  New-VisioPoint 4 5
$shape = New-VisioShape -Master $master -Position $points

Set-VisioText "Hello World" -Shape $shape

Here's what's happening in that script:

  • New-VisioApplication starts Visio

  • New-VisioDocument creates a new Visio document - this document will have one page with no shapes on it

  • Open-VisioDocument loads the "Basic Shapes" stencil

  • Get-VisioMaster retrieves a the "rectangle" master from the Basic Shapes stencil

  • The variable $p is defined to be geometric point built from New-VisioPoint 4 5

  • New-VisioShape creates a shape based by "dropping" the "Rectangle" master on the page at the position specified by $points- the units are always in inches. This shape will be selected once it is drawn.

  • Set-VisioText sets the text of the active selection - which will be the shape that was dropped in the previous step

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