Shape cells

These cmdlets work with the ShapeSheet of shapes:


Working with shape cells

To query the cell values of that shape use Get-VisioShapeCells Note that this cmdlet returns a System.Data.DataTable

Setting cell values First, create a new "ShapeCells" object with New-VisioShapeCells. Then set the value of cells on that object. Finally, use Set-VisioShapeCells to set the cells.

# First, let's draw a shape on a page

Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Import-Module Visio

$doc = New-VisioDocument

$basic_u = Open-VisioDocument basic_u.vss
$master = Get-VisioMaster "Rectangle" $basic_u
$shape = New-VisioShape $master 2,2

$cells_dt = Get-VisioShapeCells -Shape $shape 

Write-Host $cells_dt

$new_cells = New-VisioShapeCells
$new_cells.XFormWidth = 2
$new_cells.XFormHeight = 4

Set-VisioShapeCells -Cells $new_cells -Shapes $shape

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